Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tips How to Make Roads Budget

Lately more intense profession for financial planners. They generally provide consulting services and financial arrangements, as well as future planning. But what about the planning and financial arrangements for the streets? What does that have to be calculated in the budget?

I'm not a financial planner. But in my experience, I have a few tips to plan and manage finances the trip as follows:

Set goals

Like the advice of a reputable financial planner, my first tips are: set goals. Of course, the goal is here is a travel destination. Whether at home, abroad, in the city, outside the city? Or you are planning on a long journey with many destinations?

The purpose of the trip will determine the budget adjusted for cost of living there.

The cost of major transport
The first and most easily calculated is the main transportation (from origin to destination, to return home). Suppose you want to travel from Jakarta to Yogyakarta, Bali and Lombok. Means that you count are:

1. Jakarta-Yogya: bus ticket / travel or train or plane
2. Yogya-Bali: a bus ticket / travel or plane
3. Bali-Lombok: bus tickets, ferry tickets, or plane
4. Lombok-Jakarta: bus or plane ticket

If you decide to bring their own vehicle, calculate the estimated fuel costs based on mileage and fuel efficiency of your vehicle.

Accommodation costs
How long will your travel plans? Even if you have a very loose and did not have a definite time limit, the cost of permanent accommodation can be estimated. Determine also the type of accommodation you want: five-star hotel (one to five stars), jasmine hotels, hostels, or inns?

Currently almost all inn had a website so more easily estimate the cost. If you plan on staying with relatives or friends, make no mistake: there are also costs. As per custom of Indonesia, it felt awkward riding without carrying souvenirs or buy something right?

The cost of eating

Meal cost is highly dependent on the type of food and feeding site, but you can calculate an outline based on the destination and the cost of your daily meals.

For example: the cost of living is lower in Yogya from Jakarta. For example in Jakarta do you usually spend Rp. 40 thousand a meal, then you can be budgeted in Yogya Rp. 30 thousand. Stay counted how many days you want to stay in Yogya and how many times a day you eat. When the inn has been providing breakfast, of course you live calculate the rest.

Cost of 'others'

The calculation of the cost of the most difficult and often missed is the cost of sundries or 'others'. These costs include: transportation during their stay in a tourist destination, tourist entrance fee, tip, toll tickets, snacks and incidentals.

Wherever possible you should look for information on these fees before leaving, thus simplifying the budget-making. But if the information is not available, you can predict with reference to the cost of meals (because usually, such a cost associated with the cost of living in the local area).

For unexpected costs, please tailored to your financial abilities. The bigger, the better because it is for emergency purposes.

Happy counting!

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